Showing posts with label cardiovascular health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardiovascular health. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

CARDIOBEETS from Youngevity 'Brings Superior Nutrition for the Heart & Cardiovascular Health'

Beets are Loaded with Nutrients

Beets are a rich source of nitrates, which, when converted into nitric oxide, support circulation, healthy blood flow and oxygen transport; helping to support cardiovascular health. Beets are also a great source of Vitamins A, B and C, antioxidants beta-carotene and beta-cyanine, folic acid and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. The wide-range of nutrients found in beets may also combat oxidative stress from physical activity and support a healthier, faster recovery.*
CardioBeets not only includes standardized beet powder, but it also combines high-quality nutrients that may support cardiovascular health, energy production, and healthy cells. It contains whole foods from an organic, highly bioavailable seaweed, mango fruit powder for additional blood flow support and the antioxidant benefits of sweet cherry. Plus, amino acids provide additional nitric oxide production that may promote heart health benefits.
CardioBeets combines high-quality nutrients that support*:

Cardiovascular health

Energy production

Healthy cells

CardioBeets delivers superior nutrition

  • Organic red beets rich in vitamins, minerals,
    antioxidants and nitrates
  • VitaKelp™ organic whole food from a highly sustainable seaweed source
  • Antioxidant and nutrient-rich Careflow™ Mango Fruit Powder
  • Antioxidant-rich sweet cherry
  • L-Arginine & L-Citrulline for additional nitric oxide production
  • Contains no added sugar, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors, no gluten

Support a healthy cardiovascular system
for improved athletic performance and recovery!*

Promotes healthy blood flow and circulation*

Helps activate the body’s production of nitric oxide*

Helps enhance physical endurance and athletic performance*

Supports adequate oxygen transportation*

Supports an overall healthy cardiovascular system*

Helps combat oxidative stress and damage*

Monday, June 15, 2015

Incredible Calcium Supplement- IntraCal

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IntraCal is designed around Dr. Hans Nieper’s groundbreaking research!

 Dr. Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter, believed minerals in an orotate form pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart and reach the areas where it’s needed most. The unique molecular structure of calcium ororate is able to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue to act as a superior mineral transporter. Dr. Hans Nieper’s explanations rely heavily on a theory called “fixed pore mechanism,” which suggests attaching a carrier molecule, Orotic Acid (B-13), to the compound being transported. This research has inspired the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates (or orotates) which offer a 20-fold increase in mineral utilization. Dr. Nieper often combined magnesium orotate with calcium orotate to achieve optimal effect. Magnesium orotate acts as a “transporter” to help push calcium more efficiently through your cells so it can reach bones, brain, and the cardiovascular system. Magnesium promotes the proper absorption of calcium by your bones and is vitally important for a healthy cardiovascular system.

 The Top 5 Reasons You Need Calcium

 1. Healthy Bones and Teeth Your bones and teeth give your body structure, protect your organs, anchor your muscles, and much more. Getting enough calcium, along with physical activity and weight training, helps your body build strong bones, promotes normal bone mass, and increases your likelihood of experiencing good health.

 2. Cardiovascular Health Most calcium goes to bones and teeth and a small but necessary amount plays an important role in other functions such as nerve transmission and muscular function. Adequate calcium supports cardiovascular health and normal blood pressure.

3. Promotes an Alkaline State Calcium is one of the major elements used in maintaining your blood’s pH levels and promotes an alkaline state to encourage good health.

 4. Fulfills Nutritional Requirements Calcium is available in food but if your diet isn’t always perfectly balanced, you might not be getting all the calcium you need. An effective and high quality calcium supplement like IntraCal™ bridges the gap between your body’s calcium needs and your dietary calcium intake.

5. You Have An Extra Need for Calcium
Are you at or approaching middle age? Do you have other health concerns that require you to be more vigilant about your calcium intake? Are you pregnant or nursing? There are many common situations where adequate calcium is absolutely vital.

Shocking Statistics about Calcium A 2001 study from Creighton University found that drinking soda causes the loss of large amounts of calcium. Women tend to lose bone density at age 35, women and men are both at risk for calcium depletion after age 50. Toxic metal and radiation exposure increases the need for calcium. Calcium deficiency can lead to bone diseases. The Journal of the American Medical Association recommends boosting calcium intake during pregnancy. Prescription drugs, including antidepressants and birth control, are notorious for lowering calcium levels. Postmenopausal women lose from 3%-5% of their bone mass every year. A Tufts University report found that regularly drinking soda led to reduced bone density. Chemotherapy negatively impacts minerals levels in the body, especially calcium.
Extreme calcium deficiency can lead to humped spines, scoliosis, rounded shoulders and a reduction in height.

This Product is a 10 out of 10 !! I have been using this for months and it is an excellent product!!  
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