Showing posts with label clean water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean water. Show all posts

Saturday, April 22, 2017

3 Popular Options for Survival Water Filtration

When a crisis strikes, you have 3 days
to find clean, safe water or you'll perish.

Your car could break down in the middle of nowhere. You could be at home without running water. The fact is, you can go up to 3 weeks without food (though we promise that won't be fun), which makes having clean water readily available a top priority.

The  Alexapure Survival Spring is the pocket-sized, water filtration solution. Every family member needs one. 

There are 3 popular options for survival water filtration:

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Special Price! Alexapure Water Pitcher - Best Clean, Pure, Drinking Water !
This Water Pitcher is by far the Best on the market just like it's bigger brother for gravity fed water filters.
If you are looking for a convenient filter that requires no electricity then look no further than the Alexapure Water Filter and while your at it check out on the Alexapure Air Filter. Get this Alexapure Water Filter Pitcher at a Special Introductory price HERE

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The World's Best Water Filter is Here!

The benefits of clean water

In America, we have made great strides in the water purification process. Though our water is much cleaner than it used to be, we still have a long way to go. Many town and city water systems are peppered with a surprising amount of contaminants and still approved for consumption.
Because of this fact, it is essential to purify your drinking water to the fullest extent.
Doing so will bring about a variety of health benefits that will increase the quality and quantity of your life.
Some of these benefits include:
    • Increased blood flow
    • Improved circulation
    • Improved cognitive abilities
    • Healthier hair and nails
    • Decreased risk for cancer
    • Decreased risk of infection and disease
    • And much more
    • AquaTru:

Finally The World's Best Water Filter is here!
No matter how the water quality provided by your local city keeps plunging, you can always make your own better-than-bottled water in your own kitchen using the AquaTru system:

- No plumbing required.
- Filters out heavy metals, fluoride and toxic elements.
- Conserves water compared to traditional RO systems.
- Filters water FAST.
- Is virtually silent.
- Removes pharmaceuticals, chlorine, pesticides, fluoride, bacteria and much more...

One more benefit: Every pre-order of the AquaTru results in a small but significant donation to our Consumer Wellness Center non-profit, which donates food grow systems to schools across America. (In the first wave, we donated 250 such systems. A second wave of donations is already gearing up with a new, improved Food Rising grow system that I'll reveal soon...)

So by helping yourself enjoy ultra-purified water, you're also helping us teach children how to grow food from seeds and save those seeds to plant the next generation of food. It's one of the many projects I feel really passionate about, and it's why I continue to invent new food production technologies to share with those who are ready to learn.
 Order here:
1. How long do the filters last?
The filters are good for about 2000 gallons of water. For a family of four th at equates to about 2-3 years.
2. How much will the filters cost to replace?
They will cost about $60 to replace all three filters.
3. How long does it take to filter a gallon of water?
It takes between 12 and 15 minutes to filter a gallon of water.
4. How much counter space will it take up
It takes up a litlle more counter space than a pod coffee maker.
5. Does AquaTru remove Fluoride?
Yes, AquaTru effectively removes 90% or more of the Fluoride in water.
6. Why are you charging my card now when the product doesn’t ship till the end of the year?
Because this is a pre-order campaign where we are giving a significant discount to early buyers, your credit card will be charged at the time of ordering. Many early adopters don’t mind paying up front for such a large discount. If you would like, however, to wait until we have product in stock, you will be able to buy it at the full retail price of $300.
7. What are the dimensions of the AquaTru?
14″ Tall x 14″ Deep x 12″ Wide
35.56 cm Tall x 35.56 cm Deep x 30.48cm Wide
8. Do you ship to Canada?
Yes. When filling out the order form, please make sure you choose Canada and put the space between the 6 digits, otherwise it will not accept your Canadian Zip Code.
9. Do you ship to anywhere outside of the US & Canada?
At this time, we do not ship to anyone outside of the US and Canada, but we do have plans to expand into the rest of the world quickly.
10. Will the power source work in my country?
Yes, because AquaTru works on a 12 Volt adapter, we can easily ship it with your country’s appropriate adapter.

Thank you for your support! And I look forward to us both enjoying ultra-clean water for years to come thanks to the AquaTru system.
Get it Here:

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pre-Order the Best Water Filtration System!

Pre-order now: Getting Clean Drinking water is a necessity and I Finally found the answer to the environmental/waste problem with a revolutionary new system coming! ‪‎Pre-Order‬ the Best New ‪‎Water Filtration‬ System ever released!! Get 42% off Limited Time!! It won't be out until later this year but you can enjoy a deep discount if you pre-order before June 12th. After researching for years for the best water filters we now have it and it even removes 128 toxic chemicals and heavy metals from your water, including most of the fluoride found in city water. All the plastic is BPA FREE and no plumbing required for installation. This is going to you a lot of money in the long run while keeping your family supplied with excellent safe water. This is a truly revolutionary system. Check it out now before the price goes up by clicking the AquaTru pic above or link below.

Pre-order here: