Showing posts with label healthy colon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy colon. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Most Effective All Natural Colon Cleanser

Oxy Powder

I have used many products from Global Healing Organics but one I use every couple months consistently is Oxy Powder. This is an a revolutionary All natural Oxygenated Colon cleanse that has so many health benefits associated with it.

This product is an easy 10 out of 10!! Read more below.

Oxy-Powder  is a scientifically formulated, all natural oxygen colon cleanser that safely relieves the bloating, irritation and constipation associated with a toxic colon.

By using Oxy-Powder® you can melt away or oxidize the compaction from your small intestine, large intestine and colon - safely and effectively.

A Brief History of the Invention of Oxy-Powder

Dr Group
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND
Oxy-Powder® is the result of unparalleled research and development in ozone, superoxide and ozonide technology used to create a powerful oxygen based colon cleanser which slowly releases monatomic oxygen to the intestinal tract and body.
  • The history of Oxy-Powder® is based on our superoxide/ozonide creation and stabilization process which was invented during Dr. Group's research on the root cause of disease. He found that all disease is caused when the body becomes so contaminated with toxic residue from our daily lives that our own internal self-healing mechanism is suppressed. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and many other potential sources and over 90% of these toxins enter through the intestinal lining.
  • This led Dr. Group on a journey to create the most powerful oxygen releasing, toxin neutralizing colon cleansing product on the market. It all started by studying the works of the most famous ozone and reactive oxygen species scientists worldwide dating back to the late 1700's.
  • With the help of many brilliant scientists and many years of painstaking trial and error, Dr. Group was able to stabilize reactive oxygen species to magnesium compounds, and Oxy-Powder® was born. We started selling our first batches in the late 90's and since then Oxy-Powder® has become the industry standard for oxygen intestinal cleansers. The name Oxy-Powder® was chosen to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of ozone and magnesium oxides into a stabilized oxygen releasing powder to support health and longevity.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Oxy-Powder®

  1. Oxy-Powder® uses the power of time-released oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify your whole digestive tract - not just the colon!
  2. Promotes intestinal harmony while creating an environment that encourages friendly probiotic growth.
  3. Contains ingredients clinically shown to be safe and effective! Herbal cleansers and regular laxatives can be dangerous!
  4. Reduces uncomfortable abdominal ailments! Do you suffer from any of the following?
    • Bloating
    • Mood Swings
    • Back Pain
    • Headaches
    • Poor Appetite
    • Bad Breath
    • Body Odor
    • Diarrhea
    • Lack of Energy
    • Weak Immune System
    • Weight Problems
    • Occasional Constipation
  5. The human intestinal tract is 25 to 30 feet in length and covers a surface area the size of a tennis court. By the age of 40, the average person may have 10-20 pounds of hard, compacted fecal matter lodged in their intestinal tract. Oxy-Powder® is formulated to support proper digestion and cleansing of impacted fecal matter from the bowels and intestinal tract. Oxy-Powder® is safe, gentle, made from the finest ingredients.

Thousands of satisfied customers have given Oxy-Powder® fantastic reviews. Try Oxy-Powder® risk-free for yourself and feel clean again. You have nothing to lose except toxins, guaranteed!

Shocking Statistics About Constipation and Colon Health

  • Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week.
  • Medications, IBS, laxative abuse, disease, poor diet and lack of exercise are common causes of constipation.
  • Over 4 million Americans are frequently constipated.
  • 2.5 million doctor appointments every year are for constipation and nearly half result in the use of laxatives.
  • Americans spend over $700 million every year on over-the-counter laxatives.
  • According to the American Gastroenterological Association, many people unnecessarily buy and use laxatives. [1]
  • Routine use of some stimulant laxatives can cause dependency and frequent use may lead to complications.
  • Women and adults over the age of 65 are the most likely to suffer from constipation.

What are the Benefits of Oxy-Powder®?

  • It is the only colon cleansing product with ingredients backed by real clinical studies on safety, and occasional constipation.
  • Healthy Colon and Toxic Colon
  • Cleanses, flushes, and detoxifies your colon while you SLEEP - How easy is that!
  • Oxy-Powder® dislodges toxin-filled fecal matter without harming the natural flora in your intestines.
  • Easy capsules, no horrible tasting concoctions!
  • Does not require time off work or an interruption to your daily schedule.
  • Backed by an award winning customer service department that is ready to answer your questions.
  • Uses oxygen for gentle and safe cleansing of impurities, toxins, and harmful organisms.

We Asked Our Customers What They Like About Oxy-Powder®

  • "Miracle Product for Chronic Constipation! I can honestly say that Oxy-Powder is amazing stuff! I suffered from chronic constipation for many years due to certain meds that I have to take. Laxatives helped sometimes, but not without uncomfortable side effects. I struggled to find something that really worked and on a consistent basis. I was so glad that I found this!" † ~Dean
  • "You must try this formula! If you suffer from constipation, you must try this. I was hooked on herbal laxatives for a decade. If I missed one day, I was miserable, and would have to take even more the following night. I used this formula, as directed, for four days. I have total, complete, and permanent relief of digestive symptoms. I can even eat foods now I would shy away from previously. No return of symptoms in over 1 month!" † ~Jasmyne Amy
  • "I Have Finally Found An Affordable Solution to My Misery! Just a quick note to thank you for a superb product. I have been miserable my whole life when it comes to eliminating waste. Every vacation has been tainted by this horrible condition and my moods are severely affected. I can honestly say at 36 years old I have finally found an affordable solution to my misery and I just wanted to say "THANK YOU", from the bottom of my heart, thank you!" † ~Lisa S.

Why Oxy-Powder® is Risk-Free to Try

We are so sure you'll see and feel the health benefiting results of Oxy-Powder that if you aren’t absolutely satisfied...
If you aren’t feeling better, you’re protected by our...
100% No-Risk 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your results, we'll refund your money.
No questions asked.

Your satisfaction is personally guaranteed by Dr. Group!

"You will have better results with Oxy-Powder® than any other colon cleansing product in the world, guaranteed or your money back! There is no healing element on the planet that is better or more safe than oxygen, none!"

Why is Oxy-Powder® a Great Colon Cleanse Product?

  • Oxy-Powder® is designed to clean the entire 25 to 30 feet of the digestive tract and oxidize and reduce the amount of hard impacted fecal matter. Other cleansers stimulate mucous production in the colon rather than breaking down hard fecal matter.
  • Oxy-Powder® contains a unique combination of ozone-oxygenated magnesium and citric acid, not harmful herbs which can damage the delicate intestinal lining.
  • The active ingredients in Oxy-Powder® are clinically proven safe and effective.
  • Oxy-Powder® is carefully made in the USA under strict quality controls and processing.
  • Backed with a 100% satisfaction - 180 day money back guarantee

What are the Top 3 Questions People Ask About Oxy-Powder®?

1. Should I only use Oxy-Powder® when I'm constipated? Oxy-Powder® can be used as an intestinal cleansing agent or to relieve the symptoms of constipation. This means that any one that uses Oxy- powder® can and will benefit from its oxygen cleansing properties.
2. Will I lose weight while using Oxy-Powder®? Oxy-Powder® is not designed to promote weight loss. While some people have reported weight loss up to 20 pounds when using Oxy-Powder®, this is not loss of body fat or muscle tissue, but is the elimination of stored, hard-compacted fecal matter throughout the entire length of the intestinal tract.
3. Can I take Oxy-Powder® with over the counter products? No contraindications have been reported when taking Oxy-Powder® with over the counter products as long as the Oxy-Powder® is taken 6 hours before or 6 hours after the medicine. It's always best to check with your health care professional before adding any supplement to your regimen.

Check out Oxy Powder here:                                                                                

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Latero-Flora - Probiotic Supplement for a Healthy Colon


Latero-Flora™ is a unique strain of Bacillus laterosporus (B.O.D.™ strain), a naturally occurring bacteria which populates the intestines with beneficial organisms that support digestion and promote a healthy colon. Available only through health professionals, Bacillus laterosporus was introduced commercially in 1989 and has grown in popularity with doctors, and healthcare professionals who use it and recommend it to their patients.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Latero-Flora

1. Promotes Intestinal Balance

Your gut is the home to many microorganisms, some are helpful, some are harmful. Latero-Flora™ encourages a normal balance of friendly colonies that support good health and systemic function.

2. Supports Digestion

Intestinal flora help you digest food. If you don't have good probiotic colonies in your gut, you're not going to get the most nutrition out of your food. Latero-Flora supports optimum digestion and nutrient absorption.

3. Immune System Support

The majority of your immune system is in your gut, and healthy probiotic colonies are additional defense against invading organisms.

4. Promotes Regularity

Latero-Flora™ is not a laxative but, by encouraging your digestion to be normal and without obstruction, does promote regularity in a gentle and natural way.

5. Unbeatable Quality

Latero-Flora™ contains Bacillus laterosporus, a probiotic only available through health professionals; consider it the Rolls Royce of probiotic supplements. If you demand quality and want results, there's no substitute for Latero-Flora


Top 10 Health Benefits of Probiotics

The following health benefits are associated with the intake of daily servings of probiotics.

  1. Alleviates negative affects of taking many types of antibiotics
  2. Increased ability to digest food
  3. Reduces lactose intolerance
  4. Reduces incidence of yeast infections, vaginitis and candidiasis
  5. Increases ability to assimilate nutrients from food
  6. Alleviates many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS
  7. Enhanced immune system response
  8. Acts as a remedy for bad breath (halitosis)
  9. Increases ability to synthesize vitamin B
  10. Increases ability to absorb calcium
 or Learn More about How Latero-Flora Can Help You

Who Should Take Probiotics and Why?

Senior Citizens
Although candidiasis sufferers require supplemental use of probiotics to replenish beneficial GI bacteria and rebuild their immune system, they aren't the only ones that need it. Everyone who is exposed to a toxic environment, eats processed food, and/or suffers from a high-stress lifestyle needs probiotics.
This is especially true if you are consistently taking antibiotics, or if you have ever been on a course of particularly strong antibiotics, have frequent colds, or exhibit any symptoms of candida related problems. The reason for this is that antibiotics kills not only the "bad" bacteria, but also the beneficial bacteria.

Check out what our customers are saying!

Global Healing Center

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Squatty Potty - Review

As seen on the show Shark Tank - here is a kind of funny but true Review of the Squatty Potty' stool that aligns the colon for proper elimination. Watch this Video above and then make your choice.

Get the 7"Squatty Potty here for lowest price:

9"Squatty Potty here for lowest price here:

Download the Amazon Mobile App & Use coupon Code : Steve3042N   ( $5 off 1st order using the Mobile App )

Health professionals know the benefits of squatting to eliminate

Medical doctors, naturopaths, and assorted holistic health professionals have pointed out the hazards of the modern toilet for years. There is empirical evidence that elevating your feet during elimination is healthier.
The modern day toilet is convenient, but has one major fault; it requires us to sit. While sitting to do our business may be considered “civilized”, studies show the natural squat position improves our ability to eliminate. Better elimination may decrease many modern day ailments including bloating, straining, hemorrhoids and constipation.

understand the problem

Primary (simple) constipation is a consequence of habitual bowel elimination on common toilet seats. A considerable proportion of the population with normal bowel movement frequency has difficulty emptying their bowels, the principal cause of which is the obstructive nature of the recto-anal angle and its association with the sitting posture normally used in defecation.

fix the problem

The alignment of the anorectal angle associated with squatting permits smooth bowel elimination. This prevents excessive straining with the potential for resultant damage to the recto-anal region and, possibly, to the colon and other organs. There is no evidence that habitual bowel elimination at a given time each day contributes considerably to the final act of rectal emptying. The natural behavior to empty the bowels in response to a strong defecation reflex alleviates bowel emptying by means of the recto anal inhibitory reflex.

The only natural defecation posture for a human being is squatting

5 problems with sitting on your toilet

1. constipation

5 Problems constipation The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements per seven days. According to the NIH about four million Americans suffer from constipation. Are you one of these people? Do you know someone who is?
One of the biggest obstacles to your success may be not realizing you’re constipated in the first place. The bowel is the body’s main elimination organ, yet amongst many Americans today, this central elimination system is compromised, as evidenced by high rates of constipation. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 4-10 million Americans have chronic constipation (defined as having a bowel movement less than three times per week), and as many as 63 million people are suffering at any time from occasional constipation.
Squatty Potty® toilet stools create healthy toilet posture to relieve and prevent constipation in the following ways:
  • In the squatting position, gravity does most of the work. The weight of the torso presses against the thighs and naturally compresses the colon. Gentle pressure from the diaphragm supplements the force of gravity.
  • Squatting relaxes the puborectalis muscle, allowing the anorectal angle to straighten and the bowel to empty completely.
  • Squatting lifts the sigmoid colon to unlock the "kink" at the entrance to the rectum. This kink also helps prevent incontinence, by taking some of the pressure off the puborectalis muscle.
  • The colon is equipped with an inlet valve (the ileocecal valve) and an outlet valve (the puborectalis muscle). Squatting simultaneously closes the inlet valve, to keep the small intestine clean, and opens the outlet valve, to allow wastes to pass freely. The sitting position defeats the purpose of both valves, making elimination difficult and incomplete, and soiling the small intestine.

2. hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids) are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum. When we’re standing or sitting the bend, called the anorectal angle, is kinked which puts upward pressure on the rectum and keeps the feces inside. The sitting posture actually keeps us in ‘continence mode’. We thank our lucky stars for this muscle when we don’t want to go but when we need to go, and sit on our toilet to do it - it sure makes elimination difficult and incomplete, creating the need to STRAIN.
By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids. The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Swollen veins — hemorrhoids — can develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum.

The good news about hemorrhoids…

Hemorrhoids can heal without relapse when the squat posture is adopted for bowel movements.

3. colon disease

Eliminating completely and often helps maintain good colon health. Many studies point to fecal buildup in the colon as a cause of diseases including colon cancer. And when there is buildup in the colon, our bodies can’t absorb all the nutrients from the food we eat, leaving us without the energy we could enjoy if our colons were healthy.

4. urinary difficulty/infections

Urinary flow is usually stronger and easier when women squat to urinate. The bladder is emptied more completely when squatting rather than sitting or “hovering”. Squatting can help reduce episodes of urinary tract infections in both frequency and intensity. Now, that is good news!

5. pelvic floor issues

A 2008 study by Kaiser Permanente published in Obstetrics & Gynecology found that one-third of women suffer from one or more pelvic floor disorders. In addition, aging, obesity, and childbirth increase the likelihood of experiencing these issues. Although pelvic floor disorders are more common in women, men also suffer from similar symptoms; the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reports that nearly one in every five men ages 60 and older experience incontinence.
A network of ligaments, muscles and connective tissues, the pelvic floor acts as a “hammock” to support the pelvic organs, including the bladder and rectum – and in women, the uterus and vagina. Pelvic floor disorders, also called pelvic floor dysfunction, occur in both men and women when muscles and nerves in this area become damaged or weakened, causing the pelvic organs to prolapse (drop), which can lead to symptoms such as constipation and fecal and urinary incontinence.
“Most pelvic floor disorders are tied to the de-evolution of our normal evolutionary biology,” said Dr. Jack Kruse, optimal health coach and Nashville, Tenn.-based neurosurgeon specializing in treating chronic pain, neck pain and back pain. “By correcting our bathroom posture, the Squatty Potty can be a huge help to people suffering from these health problems. Not only is the Squatty Potty aesthetically pleasing, but it also makes a tremendous amount of sense with how we should eliminate.”

5 Problems form and function

Squatty Potty is the simple solution

All these problems, and more, can be helped with the use of the Squatty Potty®. This innovative, health-giving toilet stool is easy to use and highly effective in positioning the colon for effortless bowel movements.
Unlike other contraptions you may have tried to assist in achieving a simulated or full squatting position over your toilet, the Squatty Potty mimics a natural squat posture, is ergonomic, comfortable, sturdy, convenient and affordable. It even slides out of the way under your toilet when not in use.

Have a Healthy Poop Today !!!