Showing posts with label organic food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organic food. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to Grow your Own Organic Garden

 "Save up to $5000 EVERY YEAR
and eat healthier food.. It's a
no brainer decision!"

Did you know that supermarket foods contain very strong chemicals that can be seriously unhealthy for your body?
Over time these chemicals build up and can leave you feeling constantly tired, give you stomach cramps and leave you in a depressed state.

On this very web page you are going to learn WHY you need to eliminate these toxins from your body and HOW to do this with 100% organic foods!


My Name is "Green thumb Jeff" and I have been producing my own 100% organic foods for 17 years now.

I firmly believe that the toxic chemicals are directly related to many chronic illness's and I want you to start giving your body the quality of food it deserves.
From Jeff Serland
A firm believer in organic foods
and author of
How would you like to have fresh, organic vegetables always available to you without costing a cent? The vegetables you buy from supermarkets may look bright and fresh but did you also know they are constantly sprayed with strong chemicals?
These chemicals are dangerous and who knows what they might do after years of exposure. I know for sure that I'm not going to expose myself or my children to these chemicals, you shouldn't either! Now... You don't have to!
A much better alternative is to grow organic vegetables at home. Using my methods you can grow amazing, healthy food WITHOUT the chemicals! Not only that, the food you grow is always available, won't cost anything and because there are no chemicals seeping into the soil, it's better for our planet.
Growing organic food is a talent and it didn't come to me overnight. It actually took me a few years until I had a healthy garden all year round. I studied for weeks on end until I knew everything. Only then did my garden produce amazing food that tastes great and has zero chemicals (the way our food should be).

My goal with this web site is to fast track your learning curve. I want you to know everything that I know in just a couple of hours. That's why I have written a book for you that is in very simple to read. Even the most novice of gardeners can produce amazing, organic food with my instructions.

Why is it a good idea to grow organic food at home?

No harmful toxins and chemicals (This is a HUGE plus!)
Organic vegetables are better for our environment. This is because there will be no chemicals seeping into the soil.
This is the freshest food you will ever get!
Fast and easy! No need to drive to the shops. Just walk to your garden and you will have everything you need.
It is great fun and very educational for you and your children.
You will boost your immune system and energy levels.
Growing your own food is also a great money saver!

After years of eating supermarket food and other fast foods your body builds up with toxins and chemicals. These toxins can affect you body in many ways.

By eating non organic food you can have:

• Low energy levels.
• A slow metabolism.
• Low libido/sex drive
• Depression.
• Little to no motivation.

Organic food can change all of this and give you a completely new out look on life. You will really notice a boost in energy levels!

The taste of organic food is not the only advantage. It really does change many aspects of your life.

It's time change your bad habits and start a new life with organic food. I am going to help you along the way so you can set up your organic garden as fast as possible.

Many people from all over the world are switching to homegrown organic food but there are a few things you need to look out for.

Important: If you don't know the correct methods from the very start than your entire effort to grow organic food could be a complete waste of time.

That's where my expertise comes in handy. I have been growing organic food in my very own backyard for 17 years, I have made the mistakes and I know how to setup a proper garden, fast!

 Absolutely everything you need to know about organic gardening at home can be found in my guide. I have written my guide so that the absolute beginner can setup a professional quality garden without the headaches.

Below are just a few of the topics that are covered:

Getting started and preparing your soil - This is a very important and without this information your garden may never grow at all! (Page 4)
Using fertilizers - Learn what organic fertilizers you should use on your garden while keeping away from the chemicals. (Page 26)
Dangers - What to look out for and how to avoid them. (Very important - Page 32)
Kill or keep those annoying weeds? - Learn the truth here! (Page 45)
Raising your plants from seeds - There is much to learn (Page 71)
+ Much more! As you can see from the page numbers this is just a very brief overview of the book.