Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Squatty Potty - Review

As seen on the show Shark Tank - here is a kind of funny but true Review of the Squatty Potty' stool that aligns the colon for proper elimination. Watch this Video above and then make your choice.

Get the 7"Squatty Potty here for lowest price:

9"Squatty Potty here for lowest price here:

Download the Amazon Mobile App & Use coupon Code : Steve3042N   ( $5 off 1st order using the Mobile App )

Health professionals know the benefits of squatting to eliminate

Medical doctors, naturopaths, and assorted holistic health professionals have pointed out the hazards of the modern toilet for years. There is empirical evidence that elevating your feet during elimination is healthier.
The modern day toilet is convenient, but has one major fault; it requires us to sit. While sitting to do our business may be considered “civilized”, studies show the natural squat position improves our ability to eliminate. Better elimination may decrease many modern day ailments including bloating, straining, hemorrhoids and constipation.

understand the problem

Primary (simple) constipation is a consequence of habitual bowel elimination on common toilet seats. A considerable proportion of the population with normal bowel movement frequency has difficulty emptying their bowels, the principal cause of which is the obstructive nature of the recto-anal angle and its association with the sitting posture normally used in defecation.

fix the problem

The alignment of the anorectal angle associated with squatting permits smooth bowel elimination. This prevents excessive straining with the potential for resultant damage to the recto-anal region and, possibly, to the colon and other organs. There is no evidence that habitual bowel elimination at a given time each day contributes considerably to the final act of rectal emptying. The natural behavior to empty the bowels in response to a strong defecation reflex alleviates bowel emptying by means of the recto anal inhibitory reflex.

The only natural defecation posture for a human being is squatting

5 problems with sitting on your toilet

1. constipation

5 Problems constipation The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements per seven days. According to the NIH about four million Americans suffer from constipation. Are you one of these people? Do you know someone who is?
One of the biggest obstacles to your success may be not realizing you’re constipated in the first place. The bowel is the body’s main elimination organ, yet amongst many Americans today, this central elimination system is compromised, as evidenced by high rates of constipation. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 4-10 million Americans have chronic constipation (defined as having a bowel movement less than three times per week), and as many as 63 million people are suffering at any time from occasional constipation.
Squatty Potty® toilet stools create healthy toilet posture to relieve and prevent constipation in the following ways:
  • In the squatting position, gravity does most of the work. The weight of the torso presses against the thighs and naturally compresses the colon. Gentle pressure from the diaphragm supplements the force of gravity.
  • Squatting relaxes the puborectalis muscle, allowing the anorectal angle to straighten and the bowel to empty completely.
  • Squatting lifts the sigmoid colon to unlock the "kink" at the entrance to the rectum. This kink also helps prevent incontinence, by taking some of the pressure off the puborectalis muscle.
  • The colon is equipped with an inlet valve (the ileocecal valve) and an outlet valve (the puborectalis muscle). Squatting simultaneously closes the inlet valve, to keep the small intestine clean, and opens the outlet valve, to allow wastes to pass freely. The sitting position defeats the purpose of both valves, making elimination difficult and incomplete, and soiling the small intestine.

2. hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids) are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum. When we’re standing or sitting the bend, called the anorectal angle, is kinked which puts upward pressure on the rectum and keeps the feces inside. The sitting posture actually keeps us in ‘continence mode’. We thank our lucky stars for this muscle when we don’t want to go but when we need to go, and sit on our toilet to do it - it sure makes elimination difficult and incomplete, creating the need to STRAIN.
By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids. The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Swollen veins — hemorrhoids — can develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum.

The good news about hemorrhoids…

Hemorrhoids can heal without relapse when the squat posture is adopted for bowel movements.

3. colon disease

Eliminating completely and often helps maintain good colon health. Many studies point to fecal buildup in the colon as a cause of diseases including colon cancer. And when there is buildup in the colon, our bodies can’t absorb all the nutrients from the food we eat, leaving us without the energy we could enjoy if our colons were healthy.

4. urinary difficulty/infections

Urinary flow is usually stronger and easier when women squat to urinate. The bladder is emptied more completely when squatting rather than sitting or “hovering”. Squatting can help reduce episodes of urinary tract infections in both frequency and intensity. Now, that is good news!

5. pelvic floor issues

A 2008 study by Kaiser Permanente published in Obstetrics & Gynecology found that one-third of women suffer from one or more pelvic floor disorders. In addition, aging, obesity, and childbirth increase the likelihood of experiencing these issues. Although pelvic floor disorders are more common in women, men also suffer from similar symptoms; the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reports that nearly one in every five men ages 60 and older experience incontinence.
A network of ligaments, muscles and connective tissues, the pelvic floor acts as a “hammock” to support the pelvic organs, including the bladder and rectum – and in women, the uterus and vagina. Pelvic floor disorders, also called pelvic floor dysfunction, occur in both men and women when muscles and nerves in this area become damaged or weakened, causing the pelvic organs to prolapse (drop), which can lead to symptoms such as constipation and fecal and urinary incontinence.
“Most pelvic floor disorders are tied to the de-evolution of our normal evolutionary biology,” said Dr. Jack Kruse, optimal health coach and Nashville, Tenn.-based neurosurgeon specializing in treating chronic pain, neck pain and back pain. “By correcting our bathroom posture, the Squatty Potty can be a huge help to people suffering from these health problems. Not only is the Squatty Potty aesthetically pleasing, but it also makes a tremendous amount of sense with how we should eliminate.”

5 Problems form and function

Squatty Potty is the simple solution

All these problems, and more, can be helped with the use of the Squatty Potty®. This innovative, health-giving toilet stool is easy to use and highly effective in positioning the colon for effortless bowel movements.
Unlike other contraptions you may have tried to assist in achieving a simulated or full squatting position over your toilet, the Squatty Potty mimics a natural squat posture, is ergonomic, comfortable, sturdy, convenient and affordable. It even slides out of the way under your toilet when not in use.

Have a Healthy Poop Today !!! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The World's Best Water Filter is Here!

The benefits of clean water

In America, we have made great strides in the water purification process. Though our water is much cleaner than it used to be, we still have a long way to go. Many town and city water systems are peppered with a surprising amount of contaminants and still approved for consumption.
Because of this fact, it is essential to purify your drinking water to the fullest extent.
Doing so will bring about a variety of health benefits that will increase the quality and quantity of your life.
Some of these benefits include:
    • Increased blood flow
    • Improved circulation
    • Improved cognitive abilities
    • Healthier hair and nails
    • Decreased risk for cancer
    • Decreased risk of infection and disease
    • And much more
    • AquaTru:

Finally The World's Best Water Filter is here!
No matter how the water quality provided by your local city keeps plunging, you can always make your own better-than-bottled water in your own kitchen using the AquaTru system:

- No plumbing required.
- Filters out heavy metals, fluoride and toxic elements.
- Conserves water compared to traditional RO systems.
- Filters water FAST.
- Is virtually silent.
- Removes pharmaceuticals, chlorine, pesticides, fluoride, bacteria and much more...

One more benefit: Every pre-order of the AquaTru results in a small but significant donation to our Consumer Wellness Center non-profit, which donates food grow systems to schools across America. (In the first wave, we donated 250 such systems. A second wave of donations is already gearing up with a new, improved Food Rising grow system that I'll reveal soon...)

So by helping yourself enjoy ultra-purified water, you're also helping us teach children how to grow food from seeds and save those seeds to plant the next generation of food. It's one of the many projects I feel really passionate about, and it's why I continue to invent new food production technologies to share with those who are ready to learn.
 Order here:
1. How long do the filters last?
The filters are good for about 2000 gallons of water. For a family of four th at equates to about 2-3 years.
2. How much will the filters cost to replace?
They will cost about $60 to replace all three filters.
3. How long does it take to filter a gallon of water?
It takes between 12 and 15 minutes to filter a gallon of water.
4. How much counter space will it take up
It takes up a litlle more counter space than a pod coffee maker.
5. Does AquaTru remove Fluoride?
Yes, AquaTru effectively removes 90% or more of the Fluoride in water.
6. Why are you charging my card now when the product doesn’t ship till the end of the year?
Because this is a pre-order campaign where we are giving a significant discount to early buyers, your credit card will be charged at the time of ordering. Many early adopters don’t mind paying up front for such a large discount. If you would like, however, to wait until we have product in stock, you will be able to buy it at the full retail price of $300.
7. What are the dimensions of the AquaTru?
14″ Tall x 14″ Deep x 12″ Wide
35.56 cm Tall x 35.56 cm Deep x 30.48cm Wide
8. Do you ship to Canada?
Yes. When filling out the order form, please make sure you choose Canada and put the space between the 6 digits, otherwise it will not accept your Canadian Zip Code.
9. Do you ship to anywhere outside of the US & Canada?
At this time, we do not ship to anyone outside of the US and Canada, but we do have plans to expand into the rest of the world quickly.
10. Will the power source work in my country?
Yes, because AquaTru works on a 12 Volt adapter, we can easily ship it with your country’s appropriate adapter.

Thank you for your support! And I look forward to us both enjoying ultra-clean water for years to come thanks to the AquaTru system.
Get it Here:

Cell Fuzion - Protect Your DNA, All-Natural Antioxidant Formula

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Healthy Pumpkin Iced Latte -Recipe (GlutenFree, Non-Gmo)

A Healthy Pumpkin Coffee Nutribullet Smoothie

FloraTrex (The World's Best Probiotic) 18 Probiotic Strains with Prebiotics

Get FloraTrex here:

The Top 5 Reasons You Need FloraTrex
1. Digestive Support
Your digestive tract is a complex machine that converts nutrients into energy. Probiotics are friendly organisms that assist the digestive process and encourage nutrient absorption. FloraTrex™ is perfect for people with food sensitivities but even if you don’t suffer from digestive problems, supporting your digestive health is one of the most effective measures you can take to encourage your health.

2. Boosts the Immune System
Research has confirmed that 70%+ of your immune system resides in your gut. Supporting healthy intestinal epithelium lining integrity, which is the front line for the immune system, is essential for optimal health.

3. Promotes Internal Balance
Your gut is home to over 500 types of bacteria -- some of them are good, some of them are bad. A daily probiotic supplement like FloraTrex™ promotes the growth of good bacteria to help balance out the bad. FloraTrex™ is one of the best, all natural solutions for replenishing your gut's supply of good bacteria and keeping harmful organisms at bay.

4. Ultimate Blend of Probiotics and Prebiotics
FloraTrex™ is the most complete and advanced probiotic system available. No other probiotic can compete with its potency or CFU count. Each capsule contains 50 billion live active CFUs of 18 popular and rare strains of bacteria you won't find anywhere else. FloraTrex™ also offers the added bonus of fulvic acid to supercharge bioavailability.

5. Best Quality, Best Handling
It’s important to invest in nutritional supplements produced by a responsible manufacturer and that's doubly important when it comes to probiotics. Global Healing Center uses the highest quality manufacturing standards in the production of FloraTrex™ to ensure maximum potency.

The Benefits of FloraTrex

1. Formulated to promote optimal balance of intestinal flora.

 2.  Stimulates nutrient absorption and B vitamin synthesis.
3.Helps with digestion, especially hard-to-digest foods.
4.Probiotics are the first line of defense for the immune system because they regulate intestinal immune cells.
5.Encourages bowel regularity.
6.Perfect support for general wellness and vitality.
7. The only complete, unique, multi-strain formula in the world that provides 18 strains and 50 billion live organisms in each serving.

What is FloraTrex™?

Also called good bacteria, or helpful bacteria, probiotics are living microorganisms that live in your digestive tract and support good digestive health.
FloraTrex™ is a probiotic and prebiotic supplement that helps populate your digestive tract with a mix of beneficial bacteria to support digestion and boost the immune system.
It’s great for daily or occasional use and perfect for individuals who need significantly more varied probiotic species to support intestinal health.
Many people consider a daily probiotic to be as essential to their health as a multi-vitamin and the research is clear -- a healthy body begins with a healthy gut!

A Brief History of the Invention of FloraTrex

Dr Group
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND
"For years, I have used and recommended multiple probiotic formulas to enhance my own gut health and that of our customers. However, I always had to use two or three products. I was never able to find a complete, vegan-friendly probiotic formula that contained all the bacterial strains I wanted. This prompted a seven year journey to develop the most advanced, all-in-one, full-spectrum, digestive and intestinal health probiotic formula in the world. This breakthrough product would be produced using vegetarian and vegan friendly processes."
"This wasn't easy and it took years to create and source the perfect formula. One challenge was finding vegan cultured probiotics. The other challenge was to find a probiotic company that would agree to use our non-toxic, non-GMO certified organic gum acacia which in itself works as a prebiotic; a product innovation Global Healing Center was the first company to offer."
"The world's leading probiotic manufacturers were shocked at the cost of the comprehensive formula but, unlike other manufacturers whose only concern is low costs and high margins, Global Healing Center's number one priority is quality. We produce the best products possible and we're proud to say that with over 50 billion live and active cultures from 18 probiotic strains, FloraTrex™ is the most complete, full-spectrum live probiotic formula in the world."
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Turmeric Liquid Extract (The Best Turmeric Supplement)

                                                 Check out the Turmeric here::

 Turmeric is the dried root of the Curcuma longa plant and many have called it the most amazing herb in the world. Turmeric contains potent antioxidants known as curcuminoids which provide numerous health benefits. Now, using certified organic turmeric and our proprietary Spagyrex™ processing technique, Global Healing Center has captured the best characteristics of the highest quality turmeric in the world in this incredible turmeric extract. Try it today and experience the benefits of organic turmeric!

A Brief History of Turmeric

Dr Group
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND
“A member of the ginger family and native to Southern Asia, Turmeric has a history of therapeutic use as far back as 600 BC. With nearly 3000 pre-clinical studies investigating its benefits and method of action, turmeric is one of the most thoroughly researched sacred plants in the world. It’s been the topic of many peer-reviewed papers and published studies and many cite its main component, curcumin, as being the source of its therapeutic properties.”
“Now, using the highest quality, organic turmeric available and the Spagyrex™ processing technique, we’ve formulated the new benchmark for turmeric extracts. For years, I’ve relied on turmeric to enhance my own health and that of my patients. However, I was never able to find a complete, vegan-friendly formula that was potent and produced free of contaminants. This prompted a journey to develop the most advanced, all-in-one, antioxidant-packed turmeric formula in the world. It is also vegetarian and vegan friendly -- no animal sources. I promise, you will not be disappointed!”
-Dr. Edward F. Group III

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Turmeric

1. Incredible Antioxidant Support

Turmeric is high in curcuminoid, natural antioxidants that are 5-8x stronger than vitamin C and E and 3x more powerful than grape seed extract. This provides incredible antioxidant action that encourages cellular health, fights free radicals, and promotes longevity.

2. Supports Optimum Health

Turmeric contains antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that are attributed to over 600 potential health benefits. It’s powerful nutrition that encourages normal joint function, cardiovascular health, colon health, brain function, liver health, and even prostate health. No other supplement is as beneficial!

3. All Natural Formula

Other products contain unwanted additives -- Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract is absolutely and completely natural. The only ingredients are organic turmeric, vegetable glycerin, and purified water!

4. Unbeatable Value

Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract is the perfect marriage of unparalleled quality and unbeatable value. Each bottle offers 48 servings of the highest quality turmeric extract you’ll find anywhere, period.

5. Guaranteed Purity, Potency, and Safety

Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract is produced in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure quality and purity. There are absolutely no GMOs, fillers, binders, preservatives, or unnecessary ingredients of any kind. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.

What are the Health Benefits of Turmeric?

  • Nutritionally supports a balanced mood.
  • Excellent for digestive health.
  • Eases systemic redness and swelling.
  • Supports brain function.
  • Encourages heart and cardiovascular health.
  • Pre-clinical studies suggest turmeric may positively influence bone and joint health.
  • Some research suggests turmeric promotes normal prostate health.

Turmeric is Risk Free for You to Try

We are sure you will see and feel the health benefits of Turmeric.
If you aren’t absolutely satisfied...if you aren’t feeling better, you’re protected by our...
100% No-Risk 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your results, just let us know and we’ll send you a prompt refund. No questions asked.

Why is this the Best Turmeric Supplement Available?

  • From ingredient production to final packaging, quality and care has been exercised.
  • Made in the USA and produced in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
  • Super strength at an incredible value, each 2 fluid oz. bottle offers 48 servings.
  • Suspended in a gentle, vegetable glycerin base. No harsh alcohol.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed — we promise you’ll love Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract, or your money back.

What are the Top Three Questions People Ask About Turmeric?

1. What makes this the best turmeric extract? The quality of this liquid turmeric extract is the sum of two factors — the organic turmeric and the cutting edge technique used to process it. We use only the best organic turmeric root available and the advanced, Spagyrex™ process produces the most complete extract possible. This product will satisfy even the most discerning individuals who demand quality and value. Don't fall prey to other supplements that contain fillers, preservatives, and toxic compounds. Our money back guarantee let's you know that Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract is formulated for purity and potency!
2. What makes turmeric so beneficial? Turmeric has long been a core component of Ayurveda. Modern research has caught up with traditional use and confirmed the benefits of turmeric for promoting joint health and fighting systemic redness and irritation through its curcuminoids and potent antioxidant action.
3. Is Global Healing Center’s turmeric extract all natural? Yes! We use only the highest quality organic turmeric! It’s suspended in a gentle and safe vegetable glycerin base, no alcohol, fillers, or unwanted additives!

 Get the Best Turmeric here

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

AllerTrex- All Natural Respiratory Support (Got Allergies?)

Buy Here
AllerTrex® is the only lung cleanse product on the market which uses a Spagyrex® processed blend of powerful herbs and essential oils that support normal function and detoxification of the lungs, sinuses and respiratory tract. These herbs work synergistically to soothe irritated tissue and promote optimal breathing.

A Brief History of the Invention of AllerTrex®

Dr Group
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND
AllerTrex® is the result of ancient wisdom combined with herbal alchemy (the power or process of transmuting a common substance, into a substance of great value) reinterpreted in the light of modern day herbology.
  • AllerTrex® is based on our Spagyrex® process which was invented during Dr. Group's research into the basis for vibrant health. He found that wellness is lost when the body becomes with toxins and its own internal self healing mechanism is suppressed. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and other sources.
  • Thus began his journey to create the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product available. It all started by studying the works of the most famous 16th century healer, scientist and alchemist, Paracelsus.
  • Paracelsus, composed the word Spagyria (Spagyry), which means to extract (spao) and combine (ageiro). The word was used to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of herbs into an elixir of health and longevity. This process does not change the essences of the herbal ingredients, but enhances bio-availability and effectiveness.
  • Using this technology and new advanced procedures, Dr. Group created the Spagyrex® process, a revolutionary, multi-step, proprietary alchemy and spagyry-based processing technique. This follows the principle of separating and recombining all the elements of an herb, to extract the most powerful essence of its healing nature. This results in a Harmonious Organic Supercharged Extract.

We Asked Our Customers What They Like Most About AllerTrex®

  • "Finally, a travel size, organic product is here! Allertrex® is ideal for professional public speakers, vocalists, voice-over artists, educators, presenters, and anyone whose vocal chords are central to the success of their business. Thanks to Dr. Edward Group III and Global Healing Center for working tirelessly to produce products many of us have wanted for years. As a Communications Artist for over 20 years, my vocal chords are essential. Where I go, Allertrex® travels me. Thank you Dr. G!" † ~ Annie Armen, Communications Artist
  • "Good stuff! It really helped clear the mucous from my lungs. Easy, good tasting product... AllerTrex made a significant improvement. Will use again." † ~ Teresa
  • "Works and tastes great! Absolutely ideal for those with pets, as it cleans out the lungs and makes it much easier to handle the daily environmental strain." † ~ Anthony

Why our Lung Cleanse is Risk-Free For You To Try

We are sure you will see and feel the health benefiting results of regular lung cleansing that if you aren't absolutely satisfied...if you aren’t feeling better and breathing better within days, you’re protected by our...
100% No-Risk 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your results, just let us know and we’ll send you a prompt refund. No questions asked.
Add AllerTrex® to Your Cart

Why Is AllerTrex® a Great Lung Cleansing Product?

  • Effective in eliminating foreign substances and toxins from the lungs
  • Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs
  • Produced with eco-friendly sustainable manufacturing in the USA
  • Vegan Safe and GMO Free
  • 100% alcohol free
  • Halal and Kosher Approved
  • Not tested on animals
  • Comes with a no questions asked, money back guarantee!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The World's Best Water Filter

Order  here:
Finally The World's Best Water Filter is here!
 No matter how the water quality provided by your local city keeps plunging, you can always make your own better-than-bottled water in your own kitchen using the AquaTru system:

- No plumbing required.
- Filters out heavy metals, fluoride and toxic elements.
- Conserves water compared to traditional RO systems.
- Filters water FAST.
- Is virtually silent.
- Removes pharmaceuticals, chlorine, pesticides, fluoride, bacteria and much more...

One more benefit: Every pre-order of the AquaTru results in a small but significant donation to our Consumer Wellness Center non-profit, which donates food grow systems to schools across America. (In the first wave, we donated 250 such systems. A second wave of donations is already gearing up with a new, improved Food Rising grow system that I'll reveal soon...)

So by helping yourself enjoy ultra-purified water, you're also helping us teach children how to grow food from seeds and save those seeds to plant the next generation of food. It's one of the many projects I feel really passionate about, and it's why I continue to invent new food production technologies to share with those who are ready to learn.

Thank you for your support! And I look forward to us both enjoying ultra-clean water for years to come thanks to the AquaTru system.
Get it Here:

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Get Healthy & Wealthy (Youngevity Business Opportunity)
If you ever wanted to own your own business without investing a lot of money, look no further. Youngevity sells an array of Health and Wellness products that surpass most other companies in quality thanks to their founder Dr. Joel Wallach. Yahoo Finance even stated that this was one of the companies to invest with in 2015. Out of all the companies out there selling supplements and other health & wellness products I personally have never seen the results Youngevity gives. Thousands of lives have been dramatically changed by following the protocols for different health challenges. Whether you have a blood sugar issue, suffer from weight gain, heart problems, bone & joint pain, or digestive issues. Youngevity's health paks have it all put together. The foundation of Youngevity is getting all 90 essential nutrients which includes 16 vitamins, 60 minerals, 2-3 (3,6,9) essential fatty acids. Once you get all 90 essential nutrients in then you add the additional products that help support the bodies ability to fix itself. When you learn the nuts and bolts of the system the results are nothing short of a miracle. Even though health claims cannot be made in this article it is apparent that the science behind Youngevity gets to the root cause of the problem as opposed to managing symptoms like pharmaceutical medications.
It has been said that nearly all disease originates from a nutrient deficiency. Youngevity closes the gap on deficiencies by giving the body what it needs to be healthy. What business can offer the ability to get healthy, make others healthy, and earn money while helping people achieve results.
So what does it take to join Youngevity as a distributor and make residual income. The lowest investment is a $25.00 enrollment package. This will get you a start up packet with dvd and a Free website to run your business. The great thing is the basic website is Free for life. There is no network business out there that gives this low of investment to start a business.
If you want to jump-start your success  or any of Youngevity’s signature product lines, the CEO Mega Pak is the way to go! The CEO Mega Pak includes $500 worth of Youngevity’s most popular products as well as a welcome kit and critical training tools. In addition, the purchase of any Mega Pak makes you “CEO Qualified” which opens doors to additional compensation and recognition.

  What you then want to do is start getting healthy while spreading the Youngevity message. The best way to do this is by getting one of the Healthy Start Paks. If you get it on auto-ship you will get Free Shipping beginning on the second month. Remember the most important asset is your health. People pay thousands of dollars a year in healthcare premiums just for the expectation of getting sick. 
Why not get catastrophic insurance and start putting that extra money in preventative health care through medical nutrition. Youngevity's supplements not only change your life internally but can also change that 9 to 5 work schedule into more time with family. Try it out part time, get your products free, and earn some extra money. It took me over a year of research before I joined with Youngevity and as God is my witness it was the best investment ever. I will post links on where to get started and to the Youngevity story. What do you have to lose? $25
Be good to yourself and get the best gift

Why Youngevity?

Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND - Founder of Youngevity, a pioneer in biochemical research and a groundbreaking health educator. He is also the creator of the best-selling audio recording “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie,” with millions of copies distributed worldwide.
Public Company for Over 17 Years – Youngevity is an innovative, fast-growing, yet stable company with a state-of-the-art facility that ships cutting-edge products to more than 65 countries.
Perfect Timing – Due to current trends in obesity and many chronic diseases, experts predict that health and wellness will soon be a trillion-dollar industry. More than any other period in history, consumers are looking for nutritionally based solutions.
Extensive Product Selection – The Youngevity catalog includes more than 1,000 products, spanning nine top consumer categories. We insist on the highest quality when it comes to raw ingredients and manufacturing practices.
World-Class Support - Our knowledgeable and experienced home office staff processes, ships and tracks your orders. They also calculate and pay your commissions both domestically and internationally. Our proprietary software system provides you with easy access to your orders so you can monitor, manage and maintain your business from anywhere in the world.
If it seems like many powerful elements have come together to form Youngevity, you would be correct! We invite you to take a closer look at what this remarkable opportunity could mean for you and those you care about.
See the Opportunity Here

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Your Boby Needs 90 Essential Nutrients

Your body needs 90 essential nutrients

True health and wellness is only possible if it radiates from a solid, fundamentally-sound center. There is a core group of 90 essential nutrients that has the greatest positive effect in bringing vibrant health to the human body’s complex and multi-dimensional systems.
- See more at:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 Tablets (Organic/Non-GMO/Whole Food )

             'Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0' 
                             Whole Food Tablets                        
        Now available!!


These are the most advanced tablets I have ever seen with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical score of 160,000 in which combat Free Radicals (responsible for Aging,Cellular damage, and Disease).
 The tablets were created to easily break down and fully absorb in the system. An easier way to provide your body with essential nutrients needed for optimal health. This multi-vitamin mineral complex contains: Whole Foods, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Prebiotics and Probiotics, Amino Acids plus Synergizing Nutrients for maximum absorption by the body!

BTT 2.0 Tablets are Gluten-Free, Shellfish-Allergen Free and contain Organic, Non-GMO, Pesticide-Free Whole Foods. 120 tablets per bottle.
Buy Here:

What Kills Billionaires? (Dr. Joel Wallach)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Healthy and Simple Weight Loss System

With obesity reaching epidemic proportions in many countries, managing weight has proven to be a constant challenge for multitudes of people. Using Youngevity’s weight loss system, you can achieve simple weight loss and attain optimal physical health safely and effectively.
Contrary to popular belief, beating yourself up in a Gym is not the key to healthy weight loss.
Weight gain is associated with your body telling you it is lacking in minerals. Once you get all 90 essential nutrients in your diet cravings start dropping and your body begins to change. Follow Youngevity’s protocols for 90 days and watch the transformation occur.
The problem with most diets is that they tell you to cut calories without supplementing with the proper nutrients that have been depleted from our soils. Processed foods are almost always lacking in nutrients and microwave dinners are basically like eating dead food causing your body to continue to crave nutrients. Most diets do not work and if they do work, the weight almost always comes back at a later time. Learn which foods are bad and the real secret to weight loss which is easier than you think. Discover the key to gaining back your health, losing weight, and keeping it off. Give Youngevity a try and see the power of the ’90 for life’ system.
The Healthy Body Weight Loss Pak

The Healthy Body Weight Loss Pak

Our Healthy Body Weight Loss Pak provides a solid and fundamentally-sound basis for safe and effective weight management.  Your body receives the nutrients it needs, while our simple weight loss system helps you lose fat and get healthy.…/he…/lose-weight/

Transformation Kit
Enhance your weight loss experience with this companion kit. The Transformation Kit will provide you with a great tasting meal replacement shake, blood sugar management, toxicity cleansing, and more. It’s the perfect complement to your weight loss journey.See more at:

Simple weight loss system

Time and time again, you’ve heard that weight loss is as simple as burning more calories than you consume. While this is true for the most part, your specific circumstances and your body’s needs also play a part in making weight loss work for you. Find out more with our weight loss guide.
Download the Weight Loss Guide here

Get your Pak

The perfect Pak will help you achieve your health goals.

You can also get this great book from Dr. Joel Wallach by clicking on the link below:
Hell’s Kitchen: Causes, Prevention and Cure of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Monday, June 22, 2015


oxy powderoxypowder_us_2014_2

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Oxy-Powder

  1. Oxy-Powder uses the power of time-released oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify your whole digestive tract - not just the colon!
  2. Promotes intestinal harmony while creating an environment that encourages friendly pro-biotic growth.
  3. Contains ingredients clinically shown to be safe and effective! Herbal cleansers and regular laxatives can be dangerous!
  4. Reduces uncomfortable abdominal ailments! Do you suffer from any of the following?
  5. The human intestinal tract is 25 to 30 feet in length and covers a surface area the size of a tennis court. By the age of 40, the average person may have 10-20 pounds of hard, compacted fecal matter lodged in their intestinal tract. Oxy-Powder  is formulated to support proper digestion and cleansing of impacted fecal matter from the bowels and intestinal tract. Oxy-Powder  is safe, gentle, made from the finest ingredients.

Thousands of satisfied customers have given Oxy-Powder  fantastic reviews. Try Oxy-Powder  risk-free for yourself and feel clean again. You have nothing to lose except toxins, guaranteed!

Shocking Statistics About Constipation and Colon Health

  • Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week.
  • Medications, IBS, laxative abuse, disease, poor diet and lack of exercise are common causes of constipation.
  • Over 4 million Americans are frequently constipated.
  • 2.5 million doctor appointments every year are for constipation and nearly half result in the use of laxatives.
  • Americans spend over $700 million every year on over-the-counter laxatives.
  • According to the American Gastroenterological Association, many people unnecessarily buy and use laxatives. [1]
  • Routine use of some stimulant laxatives can cause dependency and frequent use may lead to complications. [2]
  • Women and adults over the age of 65 are the most likely to suffer from constipation.

What are the Benefits of Oxy-Powder?

Healthy Colon and Toxic Colon
  • Cleanses, flushes, and detoxifies your colon while you SLEEP - How easy is that!
  • Oxy-Powder dislodges toxin-filled fecal matter without harming the natural flora in your intestines.
  • Easy capsules, no horrible tasting concoctions!
  • Does not require time off work or an interruption to your daily schedule.
  • Backed by an award winning customer service department that is ready to answer your questions.
  • Uses oxygen for gentle and safe cleansing of impurities, toxins, and harmful organisms.
  • A Brief History of the Invention of Oxy-Powder

    Dr Group Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND
    Oxy-Powder  is the result of unparalleled research and development in ozone, superoxide and ozonide technology used to create a powerful oxygen based colon cleanser which slowly releases monatomic oxygen to the intestinal tract and body.
    • The history of Oxy-Powder® is based on our superoxide/ozonide creation and stabilization process which was invented during Dr. Group's research on the root cause of disease. He found that all disease is caused when the body becomes so contaminated with toxic residue from our daily lives that our own internal self-healing mechanism is suppressed. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and many other potential sources and over 90% of these toxins enter through the intestinal lining.
    • This led Dr. Group on a journey to create the most powerful oxygen releasing, toxin neutralizing colon cleansing product on the market. It all started by studying the works of the most famous ozone and reactive oxygen species scientists worldwide dating back to the late 1700's.
    • With the help of many brilliant scientists and many years of painstaking trial and error, Dr. Group was able to stabilize reactive oxygen species to magnesium compounds, and Oxy-Powder  was born. We started selling our first batches in the late 90's and since then Oxy-Powder has become the industry standard for oxygen intestinal cleansers. The name Oxy-Powder  was chosen to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of ozone and magnesium oxides into a stabilized oxygen releasing powder to support health and longevity.

2 Minute 'Food Babe' Message

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Best Non-GMO Gum that Prevents Cavities- (Exclusive Discount)


Zellie’s Pure Goodness

Use coupon code HEALTHYTEETH15  and Get 15% off your Order –
All the good stuff and none of the bad. That’s Zellie’s Promise of Pure Goodness.
Zellie’s has always been committed to offering the purest xylitol-based gums, mints and candies available anywhere. Our supply chain is closely managed every step of the way and we are proud to produce our products here in the United States. In 2014, we took our commitment one step further by eliminating titanium dioxide, an ingredient no longer necessary in our production process. And as we always have done and unlike most other gums available, we produce our products without adding glycerin.
Zellie’s products also meet strict vegan, kosher and diabetic dietary requirements. It’s all part of our promise of Pure Goodness.
  • GMO Free
  • Soy Free*
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Free
  • Aspartame Free
  • No Glycerin
  • No Titanium Dioxide
  • No Artificial Flavors, Colors, Sweeteners or Preservatives
  • Vegan
  • Kosher
  • Low Glycemic Index (7.0)
*Zellie’s Mints and Polar Bears are soy free and are processed in a soy-free facility. Zellie’s Gum is processed in a facility that also processes soy and therefore may contain traces of soy.
You will NEVER find these ingredients in Zellie’s products.Zellie’s does not have any of the following ingredients found in many gums, mints and candies. Who needs them? Not us and not you.
  • Sucrose
  • Sucralose
  • Saccharine
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
  • Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
How does xylitol work?
Bacteria absorb xylitol as they would sugar or starch. Unlike sugar or starch, xylitol does not provide bacteria with an energy source. In fact, xylitol starves harmful bacteria and also prevents them from processing other sugars, which stops their acid production.
Xylitol stimulates a flow of saliva from special glands around the mouth. Teeth begin to remineralize and become smoother. Bacteria are less able to stick to this shinier surface and less plaque forms on teeth. This is good news for people who have endured a lifetime of dental problems and weak and sensitive teeth. Six months of consuming xylitol regularly will clean your mouth of harmful bacteria and help strengthen teeth, reduce sensitivity and helps heal early cavities.

Gift of Healthy Teeth Fund
Better health outcomes through education and philanthropy Zellie’s established the Gift of Healthy Teeth fund in 2014, named so because our founder, Dr. Ellie Phillips, believes healthy teeth are a greatly under appreciated gift. Zellie’s contributes 1 percent of gross sales to the fund, which supports oral health education and prevention programs.
What are some of the benefits of using xylitol regularly?
  • Limits dental plaque formation
  • Helps prevent plaque from sticking to teeth
  • Decreases damage caused by mouth and plaque acids
  • Reduces the levels of harmful mouth bacteria on teeth (Streptococcus mutans)
  • Promotes healthy probiotic bacteria
  • Has been show to help reduce cavities by up to 80 percent
  • Studies show 40% less root caries for high risk patients
  • Helps promote repair and remineralization of tooth enamel
  • Helps fight chronic inflammation in gum tissues
  • Helps improve dry mouth and bad breath
The state of oral health in the US is worse than many realize, and Zellie’s believes it simply doesn’t need to be. Given the proper knowledge and tools, many of the most prevalent oral health issues can be prevented.
  • 80% of 17-year-olds have tooth decay
  • 52 million school hours are lost each year due to dental treatment problems
  • 2 out of 3 adults have moderate to severe gum disease
  • 1 in 4 Medicare beneficiaries are missing all of their natural teeth
We hope to reduce these numbers in the US by expanding our education platform through the Gift of Healthy Teeth Fund. With your help and the regular contributions from Zellie’s sales, we are confident that stronger, healthier teeth will triumph over common oral health foes such as plaque, dry mouth and acidity.
Austin Community Foundation in Austin, Texas, will manage the fund’s assets.

Zellie’s Difference

What makes Zellie’s different——ok, better?
Is it that we care more? Possibly. We established the Gift of Healthy Teeth Fund to promote good oral health practices early in life.
Is it that you can count our ingredients on your fingers? That’s part of it.
Is it that our xylitol is the purest available? That’s certainly true. Every batch is double tested for impurities.
For some it’s that Zellie’s was founded by a dentist on a mission to eradicate tooth decay and gum disease.
We think it’s all of the above and more.
Zellie’s is a socially responsible company, and our gums, mints and candies naturally taste great, freshen breath and improve oral health.
ZELLIE’S is by far the Best Gum I have ever tried so do your mouth a favor and get it today !!
Use coupon code HEALTHYTEETH15  and Get 15% off your Order !!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Grow your Own Organic Food - (Review)

I Have Researched and Reviewed all the Organic Gardening Training Packages Available. You'll Be Surprised By My Findings.

Save time and Save money - You can find out which vegetable gardening information package is right for you and make the right choice. Vegetable gardening is become incredibly popular and many are feeding the demand for knowledge and it is no wonder!
In my research about vegetables and vegetable gardening many scientists are undecided about the safety of genetically modified food, many people are worried about pesticides and bacteria and just as many more are worried about the harmful effects on the environment of mass produced commercially grown food. Growing your own vegetables is the BEST way to go when it comes to eating healthy food.
We've researched all the books and considered their methods. We also spent a lot of time researching the internet for freely available information. There is certainly a lot of value getting a package - it will save you a lot of time hunting down all the information you need. Plus if you are new to vegetable gardening a downloadable package will show you where and how to start.

Food4Wealth is by far the best package to get to learn how to start and keep your vegetable garden growing. This is one training package that stood out from the rest.
Food4Wealth packs an amazing amount of wisdom in a very friendly package with a practical step-by-step method to get you growing your own food fast and easy. For the price and knowledge gained, Food4Wealth is amazing value.
In our research of all things organic gardening on the web we found information overload can cause more harm when you try to grow food. Many people in their quest to help mention all the problems you will face and then answer them. This is where Food4Wealth out does all the others. It takes a completely different approach. It focuses you on the things you only need take care of. As explained in the book and video's, if you implement and take care of a few keys things in your vegetable garden you wont face a lot of the problems many vegetable gardeners come across.
Food4Wealth is written and presented by Jonathan White an Environmental Scientist and Horticulturalist. This in itself in our initial review gave us more confidence in the information provided as we found many other books and information provided on the web were written by helpful hobbyists. Jonathan has over 15 years professional experience and proves his method by the garden he feeds his family with.
What's included:
  • Easy to read and navigate Ebook with just the right amount of information over 80 pages with a number of illustrations.
  • 14 Video presentations over 60 minutes. Here Jonathan explains clearly and directly all you need to know. Jonathan also shows you some of the more involved (and still very easy) things you need to do and how to do it. This is the only organic gardening package that provides video.
  • Project Plan - a one page task sheet from start to finish to guide you through the whole setup process. This makes the process of getting started very quick and very easy.
  • Checklist - The checklist guides you through the key things you need to know so you don't encounter any problems.
  • Maintenance Plan - This is a very simple guide to show you what you need to check and maintain in your garden.
  • Materials List - An easy to obtain list of materials.
Food4Wealth is an outstanding package and for the price it is very good value. This package obviously has been put together with the beginner in mind but I also discovered a lot of invaluable information that any seasoned Gardner would benefit from.
If you are looking at starting your own vegetable garden or have already started to get your hands dirty Food4Wealth is an invaluable resources and one we recommend above all others.
Download Food4Wealth  
food4wealthFood4Wealthfirst selection Format: 80 Page Book, 60 Minutes of Video, PDF of project plan, Checklists, Maintenance Plan and Materials Lists. Content: Well written and easy to read layout, highly informative video's. Gardening Approach: Innovative self maintaining ecological micro-ecosystem Claims: You will be able to grow the most amount of food in the smallest amount of space for less than $100 and only 8 hours of work per year. Support: Email response to any questions within 24 hours, highly knowledgeable about all aspects of gardening in any environment. Expert: Jonathan White, Environmental Scientist and Horticulturalist Recommendation: 1st ***** Highly Recommended for beginners to expert gardeners. Download: As Seen In: G Magazineg  G Magazine Food4Wealthg

ALL Natural Sugar Free Gum- Review!

Ever tried to find a Sugar Free Gum without all the Aspartame and Artificial Flavors ? After trying many All Natural gums I found that most got hard and lost their flavor rather quickly. Here is a video review of the Best gum I’ve ever found without the toxic ingredients that come with most sugar free gums.

 Throw out the aspartame laden toxic gum and check out this review of the Healthiest Non-Gmo, Aspartame Free chewing gum.

Amazon :


Official Site :

Monday, June 15, 2015

Incredible Calcium Supplement- IntraCal

Buy Here
IntraCal is designed around Dr. Hans Nieper’s groundbreaking research!

 Dr. Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter, believed minerals in an orotate form pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart and reach the areas where it’s needed most. The unique molecular structure of calcium ororate is able to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue to act as a superior mineral transporter. Dr. Hans Nieper’s explanations rely heavily on a theory called “fixed pore mechanism,” which suggests attaching a carrier molecule, Orotic Acid (B-13), to the compound being transported. This research has inspired the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates (or orotates) which offer a 20-fold increase in mineral utilization. Dr. Nieper often combined magnesium orotate with calcium orotate to achieve optimal effect. Magnesium orotate acts as a “transporter” to help push calcium more efficiently through your cells so it can reach bones, brain, and the cardiovascular system. Magnesium promotes the proper absorption of calcium by your bones and is vitally important for a healthy cardiovascular system.

 The Top 5 Reasons You Need Calcium

 1. Healthy Bones and Teeth Your bones and teeth give your body structure, protect your organs, anchor your muscles, and much more. Getting enough calcium, along with physical activity and weight training, helps your body build strong bones, promotes normal bone mass, and increases your likelihood of experiencing good health.

 2. Cardiovascular Health Most calcium goes to bones and teeth and a small but necessary amount plays an important role in other functions such as nerve transmission and muscular function. Adequate calcium supports cardiovascular health and normal blood pressure.

3. Promotes an Alkaline State Calcium is one of the major elements used in maintaining your blood’s pH levels and promotes an alkaline state to encourage good health.

 4. Fulfills Nutritional Requirements Calcium is available in food but if your diet isn’t always perfectly balanced, you might not be getting all the calcium you need. An effective and high quality calcium supplement like IntraCal™ bridges the gap between your body’s calcium needs and your dietary calcium intake.

5. You Have An Extra Need for Calcium
Are you at or approaching middle age? Do you have other health concerns that require you to be more vigilant about your calcium intake? Are you pregnant or nursing? There are many common situations where adequate calcium is absolutely vital.

Shocking Statistics about Calcium A 2001 study from Creighton University found that drinking soda causes the loss of large amounts of calcium. Women tend to lose bone density at age 35, women and men are both at risk for calcium depletion after age 50. Toxic metal and radiation exposure increases the need for calcium. Calcium deficiency can lead to bone diseases. The Journal of the American Medical Association recommends boosting calcium intake during pregnancy. Prescription drugs, including antidepressants and birth control, are notorious for lowering calcium levels. Postmenopausal women lose from 3%-5% of their bone mass every year. A Tufts University report found that regularly drinking soda led to reduced bone density. Chemotherapy negatively impacts minerals levels in the body, especially calcium.
Extreme calcium deficiency can lead to humped spines, scoliosis, rounded shoulders and a reduction in height.

This Product is a 10 out of 10 !! I have been using this for months and it is an excellent product!!  
Buy Here

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

'The Benefits of Zradical and Fucoidan'

Zradical from Youngevity contains 50 mg of pure Organic fucoidan. Combining the best of nature and science this powerful blend is formulated to support immune cardiovascular neurological and joint health.* All in a great-tasting drink that the whole family will enjoy. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide and has long been recognized as a key to long and healthy lives. It has been used for centuries for its health-giving properties in Japan South America and Europe.* Our fucoidan comes from marine vegetables harvested using an environmentally responsible method from the extreme northern and southern hemispheres where the ocean is the coldest and purest in the world. This formula is Non-GMO and contains co-factors for maximum absorption. It has a great tasting grape taste with no added sugar. The powder formula contains non-GMO maltodextrin from non-gmo Canadian rice and is Gluten Free.

Here is a list of known Benefits of Fucoidan:

ANTI-CANCER -Known to cause cancer cells to self destruct










and many more benefits are known.

It comes in a liquid or the new powder formula that is great for traveling or mobile purposes.

This is a powerful supplement that everyone should check out.

10 out of 10


Check out the other awesome products from YOUNGEVITY  here:

Monday, June 8, 2015


Here is a Hard Rock/Metal original song written by independent artist -SDM- about THE EVILS of  MONSANTO.

Here are the Lyrics: copyright 2015 -SDM -




Repeat CHORUS X 2
MARCH! MARCH! MARCH! repeat…..

 For More music from this Artist Go to:

For a Free Download of  'MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO' go to :

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pre-Order the Best Water Filtration System!

Pre-order now: Getting Clean Drinking water is a necessity and I Finally found the answer to the environmental/waste problem with a revolutionary new system coming! ‪‎Pre-Order‬ the Best New ‪‎Water Filtration‬ System ever released!! Get 42% off Limited Time!! It won't be out until later this year but you can enjoy a deep discount if you pre-order before June 12th. After researching for years for the best water filters we now have it and it even removes 128 toxic chemicals and heavy metals from your water, including most of the fluoride found in city water. All the plastic is BPA FREE and no plumbing required for installation. This is going to you a lot of money in the long run while keeping your family supplied with excellent safe water. This is a truly revolutionary system. Check it out now before the price goes up by clicking the AquaTru pic above or link below.

Pre-order here: 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Get Amazon Prime and they will Donate $10 !!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Food Babe Way : Book Review!

The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days!

 A #1 National Bestseller. Cut hidden food toxins, lose weight, and get healthy in just 21 days.

Did you know that your fast food fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach sprayed heavily with pesticides could be triggering your body to store fat? When we go to the supermarket, we trust that all our groceries are safe to eat. But much of what we're putting into our bodies is either tainted with chemicals or processed in a way that makes us gain weight, feel sick, and age before our time.

Luckily, Vani Hari - aka the Food Babe - has got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it her life's mission to educate the world about how to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel fabulous while doing it.

In THE FOOD BABE WAY, Hari invites you to follow an easy and accessible plan to rid your body of toxins, lose weight without counting calories, and restore your natural glow in just 21 days. Including anecdotes of her own transformation along with easy-to-follow shopping lists, meal plans, and mouthwatering recipes, THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change your food, change your body, and change the world.


REVIEW: 10 out of 10


If you have a family you need this, if you don't have a family you need this, if you have friends you need to give this to them. Christmas, Birthdays, or any occasion everyone needs a copy of this book because we are all being systematically poisoned and this is your escape plan for breaking free. Learn the secrets of longevity by avoiding what is killing us. Vani Hari (The Food Babe) has released one of the most important books of the few years. Get it today for a low price.

10 out of 10